The salivary glands

04 May 2024
The salivary glands

Salivary glands produce saliva.

Salivary glands are divided into small and large.
Small salivary glands located in the mucous membrane of the mouth:
- labial;
- buccal;
- palatine;
- lingual;
- molar.

Large salivary glands:
1) parotid gland - paired, is located near the ear, in the mandibular fold. Duct of parotid gland located on chewing muscle, passes through the buccal muscle and opens in the cheek mucosa opposite of 2nd upper molar. Parotid salivary gland - parenchymal organ, anatomical unit of which is the a particle;
2) submandibular gland - paired, located in submandibular triangle. Duct of submandibular gland opens in the proper oral cavity in the sublingual meet. Submandibular gland - parenchymal organ, anatomical unit of which is the a particle;
3) sublingual gland - paired, located in the sublingual crease. Large duct of sublingual gland opens in the sublingual meet, small duct opens directly in sublingual crease. Sublingual gland - parenchymal organ, anatomical unit of which is a particle.

Development of the salivary glands
All salivary glands develop from the ectoderm, from the epithelial processes of the primary oral cavity.

The function of the salivary glands - is saliva production.