Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is a condition that causes hyperactivity, impulsivity and stable inattention. This syndrome manifests itself in childhood and can maintain its influence in adulthood.
In children, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is one of the most common mental abnormalities. They suffer up to 5% of children, and boys are 3 times more likely than girls. It turns out that in almost every class there is one child who needs treatment for this disease.
Children with ADHD often have problems at home and at school. If you do not treat ADHD, then in the future this disease will interfere not only with learning and work, but also disrupt social and emotional development, increase the propensity to use drugs and the risk of various injuries.
ADHD is a family illness. Every child suffering from this disease has at least one relative with the same problem. One of the proofs of the genetic nature of this disease is that the presence of the disease in one of the twins testifies to the presence of it in the second twin.
To say that today the number of children with ADHD has increased, it is impossible. However, such a diagnosis occurs more often, as the information on this disease is developed very well, and it became easier for parents and teachers to identify ADHD.
Symptoms of ADHD
It is characterized by the impossibility or difficulty to concentrate on one subject. Children begin to get bored when they have to perform some action for a long time. Consciously focusing on something causes considerable difficulties. Children are restless at the same time, it is difficult to do any work. Cases postpone the final, do not perform duties, can not sit still. They often start a lot of things at the same time and do not finish any of them.
Children can not sit still. They are constantly on the move and are always talking about something. Such a child is very easy to find in the classroom: he either fidgets at his desk, shakes his foot, knocks on the table with a pen or walks around the office. At the same time children often worry.
It seems that before to do something, the child does not think at all. On the question they answer the first thing that came to mind. Can make an inappropriate remark or run out onto the roadway, before that without looking to the right and left.
ADHD is often accompanied by anxiety, depression, behavioral disorders.
Diagnosis of ADHD
ADHD includes several symptoms and therefore its diagnosis is rather difficult. Some manifestations of this syndrome can be just stages in the development of the child.
Diagnosis children put after a detailed discussion of all the symptoms with parents and the children themselves and after watching the behavior of children. There is a thorough anamnesis in which they find out if the relatives have the same problem. The doctor should distinguish ADHD from mental or physical illnesses. A special test for the diagnosis of ADHD is absent.
Even teachers can detect and express suspicions about the possibility of ADHD. In order to assess the neurological and psychological status, the doctor should carefully study the medical records of children. We also need to assign a series of studies to children: to assess vision, hearing, verbal and motor skills, intellectual abilities, character traits. Consultation of the allergist is required.